Marine Systems Engineering track, five year, is a very versatile degree. Both use the practical hands on technology and operator portion of it and the design. So you have significant options post graduation, on if you want to go shipping, or shoreside or designing.
The Marine Engineering Program is a license program where you actually have to participate in the regimen, you have to go on cruise. All your classes are basically geared towards shipping out
Being a part of the Marine Engineering Technology Program. You get hands on experience. You sit for your Coast Guard license as well as technical qualifications that set you apart from operators.
Currently Power Engineering Operations, Power Engineering, you got both operations and technicians, just just exactly like Marine, but it's all landside. So for me for example, I want to go back home down to Texas and I want to just work on a power plant or any kind of plant that I can. Getting down and getting my hands dirty and getting hands on is what made me interested in that.
I'm glad I came to Maine Maritime for an engineering degree because the reputation the schools built upon and the education we receive here, help stand us apart from other institutions.